удачи, скока унести сможешь)![]()
удачи, скока унести сможешь)![]()
Noelani (15.05.2007)
I just realized that I made a wrong decision since I simply can;t do without the forum and you. I will try to be on the forum less but I won't leave. As a matter of fact you are going to help me in my classes. Check out the 3 new topics that I am going to post and write down what you think about it.
My Russian sucks!!!
I have been thinking about God lately? Do I really believe in God? Currently, I am writing a little book about my beliefs. Hopefully, I will be done with that soon and will be able to share my experience with you.
My Russian sucks!!!
Princessa (24.05.2007)
Не бойтесь штанишек, Не бойтесь пеленок
Рожайте мальчишек, Рожайте девчонок!!!![]()
Noelani (24.05.2007)
moi novie i poslednie fotki
My Russian sucks!!!
дорогая, очень красивые фотки!![]()
Не бойтесь штанишек, Не бойтесь пеленок
Рожайте мальчишек, Рожайте девчонок!!!![]()
spasibo dorogaya. kotoraya iz nix tebe nravitsa boshe ?
My Russian sucks!!!
2-ая фотка просто супер!!!!
вообще они все у тебя классные, но почему то на эту фотку я сразу нажала и просмотрела и она мне очень понравилась!
Не бойтесь штанишек, Не бойтесь пеленок
Рожайте мальчишек, Рожайте девчонок!!!![]()
Noelani (07.06.2007)
People are sometimes sick and tired of everything:their job, their school, their everyday routine. But once something changes in their life, they realize how much they loved doing all those things. Even the little stupid things that they never even noticed become a treasure for them. Something that they wish to see and do again. I feel that way now.
My Russian sucks!!!
Why do bad things always happen to good people? My uncle cut off his three fingers with an electric saw. It was not a pretty sight. He felt so bad. He depends on his fingers for his job. He lay at the hospital so disappointed and so sad, thinking what is going to happen to him without a job. I stayed with him the whole night and the whole day, interpreting for him. It is bad when you are somewhere hurt and you can't even talk English to explain what happened. Good I was there for him. I stayed there and thought, why? God Why does this have to happen to him? What is the reason and how did he deserve that?
My Russian sucks!!!
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