In my class I have more older people than young and I love it. In America it is never late.
My Russian sucks!!!
that's right. What part of US are you from?
My Russian sucks!!!
What city? I have been in San Antonio and I loved it.
My Russian sucks!!!
Мы с тобой - одной крови (с) Лиаманд.
Друг это не тот с кем хочется выпить, а тот без кого этого делать не хочется (с)
Azat you are just saying that. I had an 85 year old woman in my economics class and believe me that class was not a joke. It was pretty hard. She was on a wheelchair and it was very hard for her to come to class. BUt she wanted to prove to herself that SHE STILL CAN. She got an A (5) in class and was one of the best students.
My Russian sucks!!!
Azat (19.05.2007)
Honey, there are allways some exeptions and ussually they make us to treat them with great respect (you can see one of them on my avator) but it doesn't mean that we can repeat what they did ... Woman you are talking about has a very very strong will and it's enough for me to call her hero but try to follw her cuold appear impossible for a mere mortal like me ((((
Мы с тобой - одной крови (с) Лиаманд.
Друг это не тот с кем хочется выпить, а тот без кого этого делать не хочется (с)
What coutry do you want to live in? Why?
Write you thoughts. please
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