Oh, there is a lot of them, :conf: but firstly I'd like to see...Paris...Rome...Brazilia...Tokio)))Сообщение от Lilima
What do think which cuisine is the most delicious?
What a u talking about?
What dishes-food do you like? (italian, russian, armenian, etc.)
Most of all Japannese, I suppose))
What do you think about "Eurovision 2009"? I mean the song of Russia)
I dont hear this song, but it doesnt matter, because in this year we dont take first place!
what do you thing about it?))
I haven't quite understood what you ment saying "we" - Russia or Armenia:conf:Сообщение от Lilima
If it's Russia, I don't think we'll take 1st place, because it's so stupid to sing in Ukrainian, but present Russia:bl34: And I can't say I like the song of Prixodko:xaxa:
And if to say about Armenia - I think we have great chances:gxxx: I like our song)
Who did you like at Eurovision last year?
Последний раз редактировалось Lilima; 06.04.2009 в 15:45.
Just relax, baby, you are allowed to make a mistake:cool two:)))Сообщение от Lilima
Most of all I like the songs of Albania) the second is Israel and Qele-Qele:danceD:)))Сообщение от Lilima
Do you know what means LOL
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