He's an actor. He's super actor. He's just gorgeous man. He can play well both a devil and a blind colonel :)
Make Christmas less commercial - go shoplifting!
Isn't he Al Pachino?:eek:He is genius
She is an actress.Very talanted.And her husband is also an actor called Ben Afflek:eek:
Jennifer Garner)
her last role is funny adventure in Vegas with Ashton Kutcher))
Roamer (06.07.2008)
Kameron Diaz
He became popular after his hit Livin La Vida Loca....:eek:
Ricky Martin)
Famous actor, he's bald but very handsome))
Брюс Уиллис))))))Че-та никто на ум не приходит)))Ничего,если я разок нарушу правила,Гаянчик?)))))
Roamer (06.07.2008)
Ok, let's go on
He first man, as far as I know, who changed his skin's colour))))
Michael Jackson
My question is very difficult.Sorry.But I will help you if it will be necessary.He is extraordinary flautists, phenomenal saxophonists, marvelous woodwind players.And he almost always participate on concerts of Yanni .
I don't need a god to tell me that I'm wrong
I don't need hell to make me scared of love...
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