первое впечатление было, что в воде стоит лама![]()
первое впечатление было, что в воде стоит лама![]()
XS2 (10.12.2013)
Турция, осли отморозилисъ...
By The Way...
Русалка (15.01.2014)
December 2013...Yerevan![]()
By The Way...
Snow in Yerevan...
By The Way...
Ongaku (16.12.2013)
Hamburg, Alster See...
By The Way...
By The Way...
Markanik (13.01.2014)
всем чужим - решительный отбой!
к черту вас!
я выбираю сердцем..
FEBRUARY 14, 2014
Best of Sochi - Day 7
Italy's third-placed Christof Innerhofer (C) does a somersault on podium in front of Switzerland's winner Sandro Viletta during a flower ceremony after the men's alpine skiing super combined event during the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics at the Rosa Khutor Alpine Center February 14, 2014.
By The Way...
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