OK. My question to you is: when, do you think, killing someone can be justified?
Or can it ever be justified? Please share your views with us.
OK. My question to you is: when, do you think, killing someone can be justified?
Or can it ever be justified? Please share your views with us.
My Russian sucks!!!
To kill is one of the terrible sin. A person, who killed someone, can't be justified.
But of course there is some exclusions:
1) if it was the self-defense from the killer
2) if a man is mentally diseased
А я побывала в Ереване
selfdefence; however, i'll try to save her/his life, but sometimes it's impossible.![]()
I don't know as it in USA but we in Russia говорим "сделай это нежно"... in such situation I think killing can be джастифайд, черт как сложно-то писать на вашей тарабарщине
а если серьезно - это вопрос не имеющий ответа
Roamer (18.08.2009)
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