Ес мерааааа))))))))
She offered him studing frenchMaybe this way he...could be her friend...just friend:eek: But he wasn't upset, because...
Ес мерааааа))))))))
She offered him studing frenchMaybe this way he...could be her friend...just friend:eek: But he wasn't upset, because...
He will do it)))
She will his girlfriend) He try to do everything to win her love. Once....
he decided to give her a car:hahaha:))))) Maybe this way he will love him) Next morning she looked out of the window and saw...
...million-million-million red roses)))
She tought he was really very gently and cute with her, but she couldn't forget about another guyand what shall she do?
she should forget about an another guy, cause he wasn't worth her in her opinion)
And she married that gently guy)))
It has passed 5 years...
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