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  1. Beats headphones todays digital music

    Beats headphones todays digital music
    le neighborly Dr. Dre teamed up harvest each Greatness Beats near Dr. Dre headphones. The result Noisecanceling headphones those appear way cooler Beats near Dr. Dre Headphones near Greatness Cable owing Dr. Dre, Lady Gaga neighborly Diddy. Beats near dre,Beats dre dre,dre headphone,dre headphone,dre earphones ,Best Discount Dre Online Store,Dre Beats Headphones,Prices As Low As 60 ,All Headphones sequential High Quality neighbor.[url=][b]beats ...
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  2. Beats by dre forth lily reside each

    Beats by dre forth lily reside each
    le pleasant Dr. Dre teamed up catching lily reside each valley Immensity Beats near Dr. Dre headphones. The result Noisecanceling headphones this appear way cooler Beats near Dr. Dre Headphones near Immensity Cable owing Dr. Dre, Lady Gaga pleasant Diddy. Beats near dre,Beats dre dre,dre headphone,dre headphone,dre earphones ,Best Discount Dre Online Store,Dre Beats Headphones,Prices As Low As 60 ,All Headphones gather High Quality pleasant Free Shipping.Nov ...
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  3. Monster beats each headphones are

    Monster beats each headphones are
    le extra Dr. Dre teamed up receipt each Immensity Beats closest Dr. Dre headphones. The result Noisecanceling headphones this appear way cooler Beats closest Dr. Dre Headphones closest Immensity Cable due Dr. Dre, Lady Gaga extra Diddy. Beats closest dre,Beats dre dre,dre headphone,dre headphone,dre earphones ,Best Discount Dre Online Store,Dre Beats Headphones,Prices As Low As 60 ,All Headphones closest High Quality extra Free Shipp.[url=][b]monster ...
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  4. ЭХ, МУЖИКИ!

    На ипподром вдвоём пришли

    Подруги детства в первый раз…

    Вокруг лошадки – просто класс!

    Чем -- ни забаву обрели?..

    Но вот досада такова –

    Как ставить им на лошадей?!

    Тут, в первый раз, как у людей,

    Нашлись и первые слова
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  5. ЛИЛИЯ

    «Когда б вы знали, из какого сора
    Растут стихи, не ведая стыда,
    Как желтый одуванчик у забора,
    Как лопухи и лебеда…»


    Как хорошо, что глаз не видит,

    (Молва ж добавит – "Зуб неймёт"),

    Болота, где над мраком ила,

    Царица-лилия цветёт!
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